I’m gonna keep this short because I am SCRAMBLING to finish illustrations and do one more round of edits and other stuff before the end of the month when I have to send everything along that my lovely publisher, Cody at Anxiety Press, needs to make SKULL SLIME TENTACLE WITCH WAR into a proper book.
AND it’s up on Goodreads now! So if you want to add it to your to-read pile, you can do that right here.
ALSO: My latest (and FINAL) column for the podcast If This Goes On (Don’t Panic) is up. It’s about how writing fiction has helped with my mental health struggles. Shout out to Alan Bailey for making space to me to yammer the past few years about whatever might be grinding my gears. Give it a listen here.
FINALLY, one more thing: I’ve got a new absurdist horror story up in BULL called “Fist Fight.” It’s got silly, sloppy gore and it’s sort of about loneliness.
Here’s what I’m digging lately that shares the absurdist horror vibe you know I love:
GHOSTS OF EAST BALTIMORE and GHOSTS OF WEST BALTIMORE by David Simmons – these books are such a blast, just horrific and bizarre and funny in the best way.
DESTROY ALL NEIGHBORS - surprisingly heartfelt and all bursting with practical effects gore, like an old school Peter Jackson movie. Watch the trailer.
VERMIS SOUNDTRACK (RESTORED) by Bordyceps - a fan-made fake soundtrack to go along with Plastiboo’s Vermis, a guide to a game that doesn’t exist. Listen.
I’ll catch younz later.